
It was amazing how many acts of gentlemanly “manners” were really just stamps of possession.

I’ll pay your restaurant bill and pour your drink, so that you know that everything you eat, everything you drink, comes through me. I’ll walk behind you up the stairs, to make sure you know that you can’t walk without me. I’ll take your coat; you are mine to dress and undress.


  1. Gravatar Gingi
    13:04:32 ч., 01.04.2019 г.

    Откъде е цитатът? Звучи интересно…

  2. Gravatar Антония
    22:51:53 ч., 02.04.2019 г.

    Chick lit 🙂 Много разпускащо и приспиващо ми действат книгите на Laura Florand. По-добро от медитация е, така съвсем ми изпразва мозъка от мисли.

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